Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What Does the New Semester Mean to You?

By Casey Lee

Some dread it, while others have been looking forward to it for years. Some have had their lives in order and major picked out for years, while others are unsure of their path and have changed their major two or three times. For some, it’s the beginning of a chapter and their first step into the next four years. For others, it’s their first step into finishing their final chapter. College can be a different experience for many students. Some students spend their time partying and focusing on their social life while some are finishing up their final few semesters, and are getting ready to embark on the next chapter in their lives.

“Right now college seems really fun. I’ve been partying a lot, and have been going out with friends. So far it’s been great,” Beth Luder, freshman at Avila University, said.

While parts of college can be fun, many parts of it can also bring many sleepless nights, stress, and anxiety. It may just be tests and grades, but it’s what determines your future. The pressure and strain that can come along with it can sometimes be overbearing. Trying to balance sleep, grades, and a social life is never easy.

“I’m only a sophomore but I’m already stressing out. I’m a nursing major, and I do love it, but it’s also a lot of hard work and it’s a huge commitment,” Blaire Collins, sophomore at the University of Missouri, said.
Someday, the sleepless nights and endless studying will be more than worth it. And no matter what it may bring, college accounts for many unforgettable memories. With the 2014 Fall semester starting, many memories are waiting to be made. Whether they’re negative or positive, they’ll stick with us for the rest of our lives.

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